


高飞X is Xavier University of Louisiana’s flagship pre-college program. Dr. J.W. 卡迈克尔在近50年前建立了SOAR(强调分析推理)项目, in 1977, 目的是让高中生为他们作为本科生所需要的严谨的数学和科学奖学金做好准备. SOAR的姊妹项目, SuperScholar EXCEL, catered to students with interests in the arts, 人文学科, 以及社会科学. In 2021, the two programs were combined to create 高飞X, 它通过提供两个学术课程来延续其前辈的遗产:高飞X STEM, which focuses on pandemics and public health disparities, 和高飞X人文学科, which focuses on protest and the power of civil disobedience. 在每条轨道上, students will be asked to engage with advanced texts on complex ideas, work with partners and in groups to elucidate those ideas,

并以论文、专题和讨论的形式向全班展示他们的发现. 高飞X提供的每门课程基本上都是以学生为导向的,教师努力确保学生投入到他们的学习中,让他们能够选择他们认为有吸引力的研究和讨论主题.


Although scholarship forms the core of the 高飞X experience, there is far more to the program than academics. 我们认识到,从高中到大学的过渡远比厚重的教科书和更难的考试更具挑战——许多大学新生努力适应离家的生活,建立有意义的人际关系, all while keeping up with their academic obligations. 出于这个原因, 高飞X非常重视为参与者提供社交和情感发展的机会. 高飞X residential participants live with a roommate on XULA’s campus for four weeks. They take their meals at the campus dining hall, wash their clothes in the residence hall laundry room, and exercise at the campus fitness center. 结果是, 住宿参与者能够适应离家上大学之前的需求(和津贴). 他们在一组不可思议的导师的指导下通过模拟大学经历,这些导师是XULA的在校学生和刚毕业的学生,他们花了整个夏天来激励新一代的学者. These mentors are intimately familiar with the challenges that college presents, 他们的生活经验和专业训练相结合,使他们能够帮助参与者应对他们在项目中可能面临的任何挑战.


In 2024, 高飞X is offering a commuter option to students at reduced cost. 高飞X的通勤学生将体验到住宿学生所经历的所有学术和日间课程活动——他们将上同样的课程, learn from the same teachers and mentors, and be able to build connections with peers that carry over into their college years. 通勤学生将在工作日的上午9点到下午5点30分(或者更晚,如果他们想在自助餐厅吃晚餐)。. This truncated commuter schedule is designed to be flexible, 允许当地学生参加高飞X,同时仍有时间进行其他持续的追求,如暑期工作或淡季田径训练.


高飞X还强调在参与者和周围地区之间建立文化联系. Xavier University of Louisiana is not located in a “college town,” where little to nothing of consequence happens off campus. 而不是, we are blessed to learn and reside in New Orleans, 这座城市的历史, 多样性, 和传说中的美食使它成为美国文化最丰富的地方之一. 高飞X的参与者通过定期的校外游览来探索这座城市,充分利用了这种文化财富. 刚刚过去的这个夏天, 高飞X的参与者在新奥尔良艺术博物馆和Essence Fest等目的地体验了令人难以置信的艺术和文化展示, 并在杜奇蔡斯餐厅共进晚餐时了解了克里奥尔美食和民权运动, 一个传奇, 黑人开的餐厅招待过思想领袖和国家元首,从马丁·路德·金到巴拉克·奥巴马. 我们很高兴能够通过在项目过程中提供这些(和其他)短途旅行来丰富参与者的经历.

We’re confident that 高飞X is an overwhelmingly positive, formative experience for prospective college students. 近90%的高飞X毕业生进入大学攻读本科学位(数据来自2011-2021年的项目)。, and more than 1 in 4 高飞X graduates enroll here at Xavier. 我们将这种保留归功于参与者在高飞X项目过程中建立的令人难以置信的社区. 也就是说, 高飞X将帮助学生在大学里取得成功——无论是在课堂内还是在课堂外——无论他们在哪里入学.


程序 日期 类型 成本







2000美元是一笔相当可观的钱, even on something as important as an educational experience for a budding scholar. There are two things to keep in mind when considering the cost of 高飞X:

  • 你的2000美元涵盖了你孩子上学的全部费用(节省往返的交通费),并且
  • Your child may be eligible to attend 高飞X 不计代价!

Here are just a few the things your scholar will receive for the cost of tuition:

  • 25 nights room and board in a residence hall on XULA’s campus
  • 19 meals per week at XULA’s cafeteria, plus the occasional meal out
  • A full slate of classes taught by experienced instructors
  • Access to XULA’s library, fitness center, and other campus amenities.
  • A myriad of excursions to exciting destinations around New Orleans.

These amenities and inclusions make 高飞X an excellent value for the cost of tuition.

Moreover, your child may be eligible to receive a scholarship to attend 高飞X. Thanks to the generosity of our partner, 基列基金会, and the financial backing they’ve provided via their Creating Possible Fund, we’re able to admit eligible students to 高飞X 免费. 考虑以下问题:

  • Do you and your child live in the 伟大的er New Orleans area?
  • Does your household have a restricted income?
  • If your child attends college, would they be a first-generation college student? (In other words, did neither of their parents attend college?)

If you answered ‘是的’ to all three questions, it is very likely that your child is eligible for the 基列 Award. You can begin applying for financial aid by filling out the 高飞X program application!


您可以通过找到本页左侧的“立即申请”链接在线申请高飞X计划. (不要点击右上角的绿色“申请”按钮,否则你将进入申请e世博esball大学本科的页面!)

You will need the following materials to complete your application:

  • 高中成绩单复印件一份.
  • A score report of 以前的ly taken PSAT, SAT, or ACT test, if available.
  • Answers to five written-response questions, not to exceed 300 words each. The question prompts will be included in the application
  • 建议形式 completed by a teacher or counselor familiar with your work. (您不需要上传此表格,请让您的推荐人直接将表格发送至我们的邮箱


As you complete the program application, please keep the following important dates and deadlines in mind:

日期 高飞X截止日期



优先申请截止日期. Applications received past this date will be waitlisted.






500美元不可退还押金. *



Second round of acceptance letters sent out if spots are still available



最后一期课程学费到期. *

*Does not apply to 基列 award recipients.

All application materials must be submitted electronically with your application. Recommendations ONLY may be submitted via email to with the participant’s name in the subject line.


No, you do not need to bring any money for our trips or for meals. 也就是说,你可能希望有零用钱来买纪念品和学习零食. We recommend students bring $50-100 of spending money for the duration of their stay.

No. 住宿学生不允许离开校园,除了预定的团体游览. 需要洗漱用品等必需品的住宿学生可以将其送到校园,也可以要求工作人员代表学生领取. 任何未经大学预科项目办公室全职成年员工明确许可而离开校园的住宿学生将被立即开除.


No. 高飞X courses aim to promote college readiness, not to award college credit.

是的. Every 高飞X participant must take a prep course.

是的. In 2023, the fitness center was open Monday-Friday from 9am until 5pm.

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